
“I can’t fix the big stuff but I can treat people with dignity and respect and do as much as I can in my own small way.” – from one of our current volunteers

Volunteers are key to our work, bringing a range of skills and experience, adding value to everything we do and increasing awareness and empathy for refugees across different communities.

We currently have the following volunteer vacancies. If you are interested in any of these roles, please email us for further details or an application form: office@suffolkrefugee.org.uk

Please note, you must be 18 or over and we will ask you to provide references and undertake a DBS check and Safeguarding training before you begin.

Homework Club volunteer

We are looking for a GCSE English and/or ESOL teacher with experience to lead classes at our Tuesday afternoon Homework Club at Ipswich School

Football volunteer

Would you like to be part of our refugee football sessions in partnership with the Ipswich Town Foundation? We are looking for a coach or keen footballer for our weekly sessions on Wednesdays from 4.30 to 6pm. This is a proactive role supporting our Health & Sports Coordinator and the ITFC Foundation coach. You’ll be able to lead an informal kickabout and keep players warmed up and entertained while they wait to join the main session. There is also space to work with the ITFC coach to bring your ideas and techniques for fun drills and workouts. You may also be asked to assist in distributing kit and water, taking a register and other ad hoc tasks. You’ll be working independently but with SRS staff in close proximity and will be able to identify and pass on issues of concern.

You can find out much more about the kinds of volunteering opportunities we often have, the ways in which people can benefit from volunteering with us, and the recruitment process here:

Volunteering with Suffolk Refugee Support

If we don’t currently have the right volunteering opportunity for you, there are lots of other ways in which you can get involved and show your support for refugees in Suffolk (see below). If you have ESOL teaching experience and would be interested in future volunteering opportunities, please do get in contact.

  • Donate to our work with supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Suffolk. We are a small, independent charity and anything you can give will make a real difference.
  • Join our mailing list so you can keep up-to-date with regular Suffolk Refugee Support news, events and appeals
  • Hold a fundraising event, with our support
  • Offer a work placement for our clients or help us get in touch with business contacts who might be able to help
  • Become a member of Suffolk Refugee Support

 You can also keep up-to-date with the latest volunteer vacancies by following our Facebook page.

Suffolk Refugee Support is committed to equal opportunities and to supporting diversity both in the provision of services and as an employer. You can read our full Equality & Diversity Statement here.

Due to the vulnerable nature of our client group, w
e ask all volunteers, staff and trustees to provide two references, undergo an Enhanced Child and Adult DBS check, complete Safeguarding and GDPR/Health and Safety training and an induction session before volunteering. We know this can delay the process of getting started but hope you understand and will bear with us – we really do appreciate the generosity of time, energy and skills offered by all those interested in helping refugees in Suffolk!