Our thoughts continue to be with everyone affected by the brutal violence and destruction in Ukraine, and the millions of people forced from their homes. Currently there are around 1100 Ukrainian refugees in Suffolk under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, with more who have joined family members here under the Ukraine Family scheme. People have settled in communities the length and breadth of the county, children have been welcomed into local schools, adults have found employment, and many new friendships have been made. None of this would have been possible without the incredible generosity of hosts and community groups across Suffolk. However, we know there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the future and concern for loved ones back home.

At Suffolk Refugee Support we continue to provide a range of advice, supporting people into employment and training, helping with the transition into private rented accommodation, facilitating access to ESOL classes, attending social events and providing free SIM cards for new arrivals. We are privileged to have Ukrainian members of our staff team who have lived experience as refugees. If you are a Ukrainian refugee (or a host) in Suffolk and you need support or advice, please contact us on 01473 400785 or via office@suffolkrefugee.org.uk