Youth Work

We have seen a sharp increase in the numbers of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASCs) and young refugees in Suffolk in recent years. We provide specialist services to meet their needs and work closely with other agencies to ensure joined-up services for this highly vulnerable group.

  • We run a weekly Youth Club to provide recreational activities, peer support and learning for young refugees and asylum seekers
  • We provide advice and advocacy to young people through our Advice Service
  • We run a weekly Homework Group in Ipswich for refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-19 years old for help with English, maths, science and IT
  • We offer one-to-one educational support to young people and help them to access ESOL classes
  • Our Employment and Training team provide advice, guidance and practical support around sustainable employment, work placements, work experience and volunteering

We are also looking for work experience opportunities suitable for young refugees and asylum seekers – click here for more details. If you can help or would like more info on any of the above, please email