
Introducing Suffolk Refugee Support

Refugee stories

“Twice we lost everything in our house, all our possessions. If you are not strong, you lose yourself as well.”

“I can’t erase the memory of my friends who are dead now because we tried to fight for freedom.”

“I did not think of what was ahead of me. I was thinking of my little children, I was thinking of my family – will I ever see them again?”

Click here to download our refugee stories booklet.

Welcome to the Suffolk Refugee Support website.

We are an independent charity giving practical support to refugees and asylum seekers in Suffolk. Our staff, volunteers and trustees are proud to have helped so many people to overcome past trauma and rebuild their lives as successful members of UK society. We couldn’t do our work without the kindness and generosity of our supporters and donors, or the resilience and determination to get on with their lives shown by so many refugees. Thank you.

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SRS Christmas Appeal

Can you help us to provide vital support to people in need this Christmas? You can give securely here: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/18901 Or find our donation form, bank transfer and cheque details here: https://suffolkrefugee.org.uk/what-you-can-do/donate Thank you!

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