Many thanks to everyone who has contacted us with offers of help recently – we have been really touched by the compassionate response of the local community to the current situation. We know many people are keen to get involved and show generosity and goodwill towards refugees, so here’s what you can do to help:
At Suffolk Refugee Support we are not taking donations of items such as clothing (other groups in Ipswich are collecting specific items for Calais), but we do have an arrangement with the Red Cross shop on Felixstowe Rd in Ipswich, so clothes donated there will help local asylum seekers. We have yet to see significant numbers of Syrian refugees in Suffolk, although this situation may well change. However, we have helped 500 asylum seekers and refugees from nearly 40 countries over the last year, so you can make a real difference to the ongoing support of refugees in Suffolk by:
1) Becoming a member of SRS – this helps us when negotiating on behalf of our clients and applying for funding
2) Donating to us – you can be assured that every donation we receive will make a real difference to the lives of refugees in Suffolk. Just click on the My Donate button on the right-hand side of this page.
3) Becoming a volunteer or trustee – in particular we are currently looking for a treasurer to join our board of trustees
4) Keep following us on Facebook & Twitter, get in touch if you want to find out more about the work we do, and join in our campaigns
Thank You!