From all at Suffolk Refugee Support, a huge thank you to everyone who helped us to achieve our crowdfunding target! We’re delighted to report that our appeal raised a final total of £11,265. The generosity of all those who gave will protect our advice service in Ipswich, where we often deal with the most acute and complex needs of vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers. You can read more about the impact of our advice service in our Christmas newsletter here.
You can also read about the long term benefits of our work in this recent article in the East Anglian Daily Times about some of the refugees we have supported from around the world over the past 20 years.
If you would like to show your support for refugees in Suffolk at a time when demand for our services is higher than ever and yet we continue to face a very challenging funding environment, you can become a member of SRS and set up a standing order to donate to our work here. If you would like to receive our newsletters automatically in future, as well as other updates and news of how we are putting your donations to use, you can sign up to our mailing list here.
Thank you!!